Eternal «confusion» of humanity ever present in history

Eternal «confusion» of humanity ever present in history

12 de octubre del 2016

National Party, Day Pilar or Día de la Hispanidad, political polemics holding a day, including both cry and media headlines «yellow press», makes it impossible to relate this beautiful image with the real reason why he began the celebration of this date; the commemoration of the arrival of Cristobal Colon to America.

October 12, date of recognized importance in most of the world, celebrated by more than 1,000 million of people in America. Día De La Raza, Día de la Hispanidad, Día de la Interculturalidad  (and some others) are names this holiday celebrated in most of the globe, the same one that maybe has forgotten a time when connecting two worlds was possible thanks to the innate restlessness of human beings to explore and discover the world.

Under the rule of words

Information, data, dates and so many legends of the arrival of Colon to America, confuse what try to summarize in a few words; in 1492 Columbus crossed the Atlantic, reached Guanahani (island of the Bahamas) on October 12, treading first the Americas but without being aware even the discovery of a new world (thought he was in India, eternal confusion of humanity ever present in history), the fact is that today, again, is cause for celebration in most Earth.maica rivera

There is a second reason not as well known to celebrate the day, but whose importance can shake to those who love the power of words, which for hours patiently transform letters in text and text in the form of human expression.

The United Nations recognizes the October 12 Spanish Language Day, as described by Gabriel García Márquez:

Humanity will enter the third millennium under the rule of words …

With the phrase as famous writer (Nobel Prize for Literature) and the UN recognition in 2014 of the Spanish language, its communicative power, impact of creativity and dynamism. I continue with my words.

They say one of the biggest events is the big parade in New York, passing through Fifth Avenue ended now, I have not yet learned to detach myself from my computer a holiday, maybe do today.


Maica Rivera

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